Other Ways to View the St. David's Calendar

Option 1: View the St. David's Calendar within a full-screen browser window

To view the calendar within a new full-screen browser window, click here.

Once the calendar has opened in a new window, you can use an option in the header to switch between month, week, day and list viewing modes. Choose whatever works best on your device.

Option 2: View the St. David's Calendar within the Teamup Calendar App

To view the calendar within a convenient mobile app, follow these steps:

1. Download the Teamup calendar app for your mobile device:

2. Copy the following web address and paste it within the Teamup app. This will create a saved connection to the St. David's calendar, allowing you to view it regularly.

Option 3: View the St. David's Calendar within your Personal Calendar

To view the St. David's calendar within your personal calendar (e.g., Google Calendar), use the following iCalendar feed URL. You will then need to configure your calendar to receive the feed (instructions will vary depending on the calendar that you use).

  • https://ics.teamup.com/feed/kstftfob6vy62t466p/6583908.ics